NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Critically acclaimed husband-and-wife duo The Imaginaries release their cover and performance video of Frankie Valli’s timeless classic, “My Eyes Adored You,” available everywhere today. The duo has an...
LOS ANGELES – Widely projected to make $5 million at the box office, Dennis Quaid’s “REAGAN” surprised box office watchers by nearly doubling that, riding off with $9.2 million, finishing in...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Darci Lynne, the youngest contestant to ever win “America’s Got Talent,” unveils her lively new single, “Someone Wake Me Up,” available everywhere today. To stream...
HUNTERSVILLE, N.C.—REAGAN, the biopic film starring Dennis Quaid as the 40th President of the United States and set for worldwide release on August 30, will be the primary...